creative flows

textile art

pool bALL


While my central passion in the arts aside from drawing is patchwork sewing, I dabble in other forms of creative expression. I find that broadening my horizons in the field of art has prompted me to lead all walks of my life in a more creative manor.

All the materials seen below are sourced from second-hand establishments, or from clothing that I would otherwise not be wearing. I see my sewing journey aligning with my values since I am conscious of the environment and climate around me as I try to be someone resourceful. Wearing my self-designed collage-like clothing pieces, I feel as though I am further able to show my personality outwardly.

red apple


big oil kills

resin work

One apple two apple red apple green apple

smashing pumpkins

fantastic mr. fox apple (wes anderson)

These collages engage with my views on economic greed, as well as politics, as I find it interesting to synthesize art and my views as one.

money grubbers
